I thought about writing The Pursuit of Excellence: Learning to be nothing short of EXTRAORDINARY and getting it published 2 years ago (Granted, I didn’t have the exact title then but the idea was there). The problem was that I had no clue how to go about doing it or know of anyone who could help me. On numerous occasions I would have the pleasure of speaking to someone and in sharing my story they would be so fascinated by it. Then it hit me: package it so I can keep sharing it with other people and have it help inspire them. Execution was going to be hard. I didn’t have much money, being a full-time student, and who was I to publish a book? Don’t people have to be famous to do that kind of stuff? Actually no.
So I decided to do it. I didn’t have any contacts in publishing so I attended a conference where there were inspirational speakers and business coaches. One of the speakers pitching on the day was giving a weekend seminar on writing and self publishing and so I put my money were my mouth was and signed up. I learned the how to write a book, get it published and how to raise funding. Then I got to work. I was reaching out to people and companies to help me get this off the ground but no one was buying into it. It was pretty disheartening. I told myself,
‘Maybe I shouldn’t try this’.
So for a while, my manuscript was just another document taking up space on my computer.I stopped calling and emailing people because I was afraid it would not succeed. But it kept gnawing away at me. I had said that I was going to publish a book, so why should other people saying no to helping me stop me?. I wanted to have that book in my hand and I knew the value it could serve in helping people. I believed my story was important enough so it was up to ME to FIND A WAY! It was worth me getting a zillion rejections, because all I needed was one YES. So I went back to work on my manuscript and continued to reach out to people to help me. Then a business coach I’d met at the conference put me in contact with a publishing company that I could be interested in working with, which I was. Fast forward a few months and now we’re here.
This week I was asking people on social media to help me decide which book cover option to use and the response was remarkable. I was getting amazing feedback and my book hasn’t even come out yet! Can you imagine how enthusiastic everyone will be when they’ll have access to the final product?!
Keep knocking on doors and looking for solutions, don’t grow tired and lazy. If no one is there to help you, help yourself. Believe that you are worth the time and effort. It’s your dream and it’s your goal! Little by little, I look to inspire people one talk/one post at a time and be the best that I can be. There’s no such thing as an over night success, stay focused and put in the work.
Keep Thriving!